
One-stop online service

AdvisorAccess is your one-stop online service designed specifically to meet the needs of financial advisors. It is your gateway to up-to-date account information, reporting, business building and planning tools, marketing materials and much more. With just a few clicks you can:

  • View account balances, current market values and asset mix.
  • View 10% free redemption amounts, estimate DSC fees, and track matured units.
  • View transaction histories from inception.
  • View, print, or order duplicate RRSP contribution receipts, T3s, T5s, and other tax documents – immediately, online.
  • View and print client statements.
  • Track assets under administration and service fee information.
  • View details on PACs, SWPs, and RRIF/LIF/LRIF payments.
  • View capital gains and distribution information.

It only takes a few minutes and will allow you to take part in your financial planning. Our step-by-step guide walks you through the registration process.

Already have an account?

AdvisorAccess FAQs

Top Five FAQs

What information do I need to register?

You will need your User ID and dealer / advisor number. You will then be required to provide us with additional information that will be matched to your profile for secure access. If you do not have a User ID, contact Client Relations, Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm (ET) at 1‑800‑387‑0614 or

Will I be able to access my clients' accounts as soon as I register?

You will be able to view your Mackenzie Investments accounts immediately after you have successfully completed your registration.

What do I do if I forget my User ID or password?

In either case, your access can be restored immediately. If you have forgotten your User ID, enter your email address on the Login page and click the “Submit” button. You will then be asked to answer your personal registration question. If your answer matches the answer you provided when you registered, your User ID will be displayed online.

If you have forgotten your password, enter your User ID on the Login page and click the “Submit” button. You will then be asked to answer your personal registration question. If your answer matches the answer you provided when you registered, you will then be requested to choose a new password to access your clients’ accounts.

If you require further assistance, contact Mackenzie Client Relations, Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm (ET) at 1‑800‑387‑0614 or

What services are available through AdvisorAccess?

With Mackenzie’s AdvisorAccess you have access to:

  • account balances and current market values
  • complete transaction histories
  • asset mix
  • details on PACs, SWPs, and RRIF/LIF/LRIF payments
  • tax receipt information — with the ability to order duplicate tax receipts
  • capital gains and distribution information
  • assets under administration and service fee information
  • client statements and trade confirmations
  • customized and downloadable reports
  • view 10% free redemption amounts, estimate DSC fees, and track matured units

How does Mackenzie Investments ensure security of my personal information?

Mackenzie Investments uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt and protect your personal information as it crosses the internet.

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Registration and Login

How do I register for AdvisorAccess?

If you have clients with Mackenzie Investments accounts, under the Mackenzie Institute menu, select the “Register for AdvisorAccess” button. You will need your User ID and your dealer / advisor number. You will then be required to provide us with additional information that will be matched to your profile for secure access. If the information provided is correct, you will be able to access your clients’ Mackenzie Investments account(s).

Our step-by-step guide walks you through the registration process.

If you require further assistance, contact our Client Relations team, Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm (ET) at 1‑800‑387‑0614 or

How will I know if I have registered successfully?

You will receive a message stating that your AdvisorAccess registration has been completed. Once completed, you will be able to view your Mackenzie Investments accounts.

Once I have registered, how do I login to AdvisorAccess?

To login, click the “Login to AdvisorAccess” link under “Account Access” on the Mackenzie Institute menu, enter your User ID and password, and then select “Login”.

How do I change my AdvisorAccess User ID and password?

You cannot change your User ID, but you can update your password. Your password can be changed any time after you have registered by selecting the “My Profile” option. This option will allow you to update your personal information. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*).

Why do I have to create a security question and answer?

If you forget your User ID or password, we will use your confidential information (question and answer) to verify your identity and immediately restore your access.

What does the “Remember My ID” box mean?

When you login using your User ID and password, check the “Remember My ID” box and your browser will automatically populate your User ID information each time you login to the same computer so that you will only have to enter your password. Important: Record your User ID and password for future reference.

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AdvisorAccess Support

How current is my account information online?

Your account information is updated on a daily basis.

When can I access my client accounts online?

AdvisorAccess is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Occasionally limited outages may occur due to system maintenance, or other reasons beyond our control.

Who do I contact for assistance?

For Mackenzie Investments account inquiries, please contact our Client Relations team, Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm (ET) at 1‑800‑387‑0614 or

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Technical Support

What is encryption and how does it work?

Encryption is the process by which information sent over the internet is encoded so that it cannot be read without being decoded.

Which web browsers do you recommend?

This website has been optimized to work with Internet Explorer; however, most browsers are supported.

What do I do if someone learns my User ID or password?

Your User ID is linked to a password, therefore, no one can login without your password. If you suspect that someone knows your password, you can change it online by clicking on “My Profile”.

What is cache and why is it important to clear my cache for security measures?

Cache has been designed to improve performance and reduce network traffic. When you view a web page, it is stored in both your browser’s memory cache and your computer’s disk cache.

Your browser relies on its memory cache when you use the browser “Back” button. Rather than going to the network to retrieve the page, the page is retrieved from the browser memory cache. After you logout of AdvisorAccess, your account information cannot be viewed. However, information may be viewed using the browser “Back” button. To protect the confidential nature of your personal information, we highly recommend that you clear your browser’s memory cache or close your browser (which will also clear the browser memory cache) after your session.

You should also be aware that by retrieving a page from cache, you might be provided with stale information.

How do I clear my cache?

In most cases the “Tools” menu option of your internet browser will allow you to clear your cache or browsing history. Further information is available in your browser’s help file.

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Conditions of Use

Terms of access

Access to and use of the web-based account inquiry service ("AccountAccess") for Mackenzie Investments constitutes your acceptance of and compliance with the Conditions of Use set out herein. Please take the time to review these conditions. If you do not accept them, please discontinue use of AccountAccess. Mackenzie Investments may change the Conditions of Use at any time without notice by updating this posting. You agree to review the Conditions of Use regularly and your continued access or use of AccountAccess will mean that you agree to any changes.

Web-based account inquiry services

Mackenzie Investments provides AccountAccess to give you online access to your client's account balances, investment holdings, transactions and tax information. It also gives you "view-only" access to your account statements previously mailed to you.


AccountAccess is presented on an "as is" basis only; internet software or transmission problems may produce inaccurate or incomplete copies of information and materials that may be accessed and displayed on your computer.

Mackenzie Investments does not warrant that AccountAccess will be free from error or interruption. Mackenzie Investments is not responsible for any damage of any nature, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, in reliance on the information available on AccountAccess, including, without limitation, any loss of use, loss of profit, loss of data, business interruption or any other loss or damage, whatever the form of action, and whether or not Mackenzie Investments has been negligent.

This service is not intended to provide legal, accounting or tax advice and should not be relied upon in that regard.

Mackenzie Investments is not responsible for unauthorized use or reproduction of any information contained in AccountAccess.

Links in AccountAccess to other sites or references to products, services or publications other than those of Mackenzie Investments or their affiliates should not be construed as an endorsement or approval of such sites, products, services or publications by Mackenzie Investments or their affiliates.

"Mackenzie Investments" or "Mackenzie Group of Companies" includes Mackenzie Financial Corporation. Mackenzie Investments is affiliated with Investors Group Inc. and The Great-West Life Assurance Company.


You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your User ID and password and ensuring that you are the only person using the User ID and password. You agree not to disclose your User ID and password to any other person including any employees of Mackenzie Investments. Mackenzie Investments is not responsible for the unauthorized use of AccountAccess by any other person with your User ID or password and Mackenzie Investments are under no obligation to confirm the actual identity or authority of anyone using your User ID or password.

You agree to notify Mackenzie Investments immediately upon becoming aware of any known or suspected unauthorized use of your User ID or password to gain access to AccountAccess, or any breach in security involving your User ID or password.


AccountAccess is a secure service and communications within AccountAccess are encrypted. For more information, please see "How does Mackenzie Investments ensure security of my personal information?". AccountAccess is not a secure medium for email communications because the email is not encrypted. Any confidential, proprietary or sensitive information which you transmit by means of AccountAccess through email may be read and forwarded or copied by unauthorized persons.

Privacy protection and consent to use personal information

Mackenzie Investments is committed to protecting the privacy of all client personal information that we collect and maintain in the course of carrying on our business whether over the internet or in more traditional ways. We have a Privacy Protection Notice to inform you of the ways we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information. For more information regarding Mackenzie Investments' Privacy Protection Notice, please see "Privacy Protection Notice". When you register to use AccountAccess, you provide us with additional personal information and your access to and use of AccountAccess constitutes your consent to such information being collected, held, used and disclosed by Mackenzie Investments in the ways and for the purpose identified here. When you register to use AccountAccess, you provide us with your:

  1. User ID and password;
  2. email address;
  3. personal information which you choose to provide, for example, your mother's maiden name ("Personal Registration Information").

Mackenzie Investments collects this information, holds it in your client record, uses it and, where necessary, discloses it for the following purposes:

  1. To verify your identity as an AccountAccess user;
  2. to record statistical information on your visit to AccountAccess on an anonymous basis and use this information to improve AccountAccess; and
  3. to restore your access to AccountAccess in the event that you have forgotten your User ID or password.

Mackenzie Investments may collect your information for the purposes identified in this notice from third parties such as your financial advisor/dealer, other companies in the Mackenzie Group of Companies and third parties who represent that they have the right to disclose the information. Mackenzie Investments may disclose your information for the purposes identified in this notice to your financial advisor/dealer, other companies in the Mackenzie Group of Companies but will not sell the information to anyone outside the Mackenzie Group of Companies nor will we use your email address to send you additional product information. The privacy protection notice applies specifically to AccountAccess. Questions regarding this statement should be directed to


A cookie is a small file containing certain pieces of information that AccountAccess creates when you use it. There are two common types of cookies, "session cookies" and "persistent cookies". A "session cookie" stores information only for the length of time that you are connected to AccountAccess and is not written onto your hard drive. A "persistent cookie" is written onto your hard drive and remains there until its expiry date. AccountAccess uses session cookies to identify your current session to the web server, and ensure that at all times during your session we are dealing with you. AccountAccess uses persistent cookies to store information that you are aware of, for example, if you choose the option on our log-in screen to remember your User ID, your computer will remember it automatically and input your User ID each time you access the Site.

Last updated: October 1, 2014


Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

The content of this web page (including facts, views, opinions, recommendations, descriptions of or references to, products or securities) is not to be used or construed as investment advice, as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy, or an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any entity or security cited. Although we endeavour to ensure its accuracy and completeness, we assume no responsibility for any reliance upon it.